
Day 7: Recovery in Manassas

Hotel again

After spending our first week on the road, it was nice to be out of a tent and in a hotel room again.  

Our previous morning in Kentucky had been a very wet one, so once we were all settled in the morning, we completely unpacked the car and put up all the camping gear to dry.  

Then we pulled out all of our clothing and washed it in the hotel laundromat.  

In short, we completely wrecked the hotel room!  

But by mid morning, we had a basket full of clean clothes and dry camping gear, so we packed the car back up and were ready to start for our next week of adventures!

● Manassas Battlefield
After we had gotten completely packed up and joined Dave for a mid-day lunch(he was working in Manassas for the next two days), we had some time to kill.  So we crossed the street and went to the Manassas National Battlefield Park.  

In our three weeks, we visited a lot of National parks and overall were very impressed with the rangers... 

However I'd have to say, the ranger at Manassas was probably the best; extremely well informed and interesting, he made the time period come alive for us!

While there, we watched the short video about the two battles, and then took an hour long tour of the park.  We then visited a nearby farmhouse in the park that was build in the same era (looking for... you guessed it... a geocache!)

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