
Day 5: St Louis, MO to Slade, KY

● The Drive
Total miles:  387
Hours Driving: 6 hours
State Count: 6 - Texas, Arkansas, Missouri, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky

After a nice hot breakfast in the hotel, we piled back into the car and headed back on the road toward Virginia!

Immediately upon leaving St Louis, we entered into our 4th state - Illinois. Unfortunately, there was no "Welcome to Illinois" reststop, and the road sign passed by too quickly for a photo!  So we don't really have any proof of our visit to this state.  Boo :o(

A few hours later, we made a quick stop in Indiana, making State # 5:

And then after another drive, we arrived in Kentucky - the home of Colonel Sanders!  We made a lunch stop in Louisville and visited the Kentucky Welcome Center:

● Natural Bridge State Resort
A little after 6pm, we arrived at Natural Bridge State Resort and Campground. 

We headed over to the pool, but it was just closing... and it seemed too late to hike to the Natural Bridge.  So we set up camp, and had an early evening instead.

Our tent site was right beside a clear little stream, which provided endless amusement for the boys!

Along the way, we had seen some pretty cool bugs.  But the bug that we saw in the restroom of this Kentucky State Park was truly the most bizarre.  Doing a google query, it seems like maybe it is a Northern Mole Cricket.

Although the campground was very nice, and the location beautiful... this was probably our hardest evening - as there was a very large group a few sites down who kept us awake with the music blaring until late in the night.  We did finally ask them to quiet down around midnight - and quickly fell asleep in preparation for Day 5 - our final day on the road out to Virginia!

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